The teaching of thinking is a critical endeavour for teachers and one that brings enhanced learning opportunities for students. Unfortunately thinking is not something that we naturally do well and as a consequence it is a skill we need to learn. Understanding this is the first step towards establishing a culture of thinking in your classroom
This blog is about obtaining online training and online degrees. It covers a range of distance courses, including online graduate programs, online PhD programs, and online certificate courses. It has advice, information and personal comments about studying online, information about learning styles, and even includes details of how you can obtain free online learning.
Monday, October 26, 2015
Ten reasons to teach thinking
Heutagogy Explained for Teachers (and Tools That Support It) | LEARNing To LEARN
October 20, 2015
Heutagogy is a learning and teaching approach that is primarily self-directed or self-determined. Unlike the traditional pedagogic paradigm where learning is administered in a controlled environment under the auspices of a 'knowledge expert' (teacher) and where learners agency is defined in the logic of conformity and passive adhesiveness to pre-defined instructional guidelines, a heutagogic pedagogy is more learner entered. It is bent on developing learners autonomy and enabling them to take control of their own learning. At its core is the individual empowerment through equipping learners with a variety of skills and competencies to help them with their self-formation.
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Saturday, October 24, 2015
Content is no longer king. Here are five things that are.
A huge amount of what we've traditionally call 'content' in learning is actually instructional design: the pacing and variety of activities, the flow, the challenge of zeroing in on the best and most enjoyable way to help someone master a particular skill. Those elements aren't going anywhere.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Theories of Learning. Connectivism: A new type of learning for the digital age
Theories of Learning. Connectivism: A new type of learning for the digital age
Stewart-Marshall's insight:
A useful infographic locating connectivism in the landscape of theories of learning.
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Five Keys to Rigorous Project-Based Learning
Well-designed project-based learning (PBL) has been shown to result in deeper learning and more engaged, self-directed learners. Learn more about the five ...
Friday, October 16, 2015
So What Do You Really Mean By 'Instructional Designer'?
At Arizona State University (ASU), we have a community of about 40 staff members who have the words "Instructional Design" or "Instructional Designer" in their titles. Every few months we get together as a group and talk about the latest trends at ASU and throughout higher education.
One se
Everything about Google Apps for Education - free eBook
Our free resource full of tips and tricks for using Google Apps for Education. Including time-saving shortcuts, uncovered hacks, and Chromebook tricks for classrooms.
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
The 10 Twitter Hashtags All Teachers Should Follow
Twitter is a great place for teachers to connect with one another to ask questions and seek advice. These 10 hashtags offer a promising place to start.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
For the first time ever, more American women than men are college graduates
For the first time in history, American women are more likely to have bachelor's degrees than American men.
The shift happened in 2014, but was a generation in the making. Women have earned the majority of bachelor's degrees granted every year since 1981. As older, less-educated women have died, more educated women have made up a greater share of the population.
The story of how women started earning more college degrees than men is explored by three economists — Claudia Goldin, Lawrence F. Katz, and Ilyana Kuziemko — in a 2009 paper on women's success in higher education (
Monday, October 12, 2015
Preparing for the digital university: a review of the history and current state of distance, blended, and online learning
The sheer scale of numbers of students led to bold proclamations of education disruption and a sector on the verge of systemic change. However, from the perspective of 2015, these statements appear increasingly erroneous as moocs have proven to be simply an additional learning opportunity instead of a direct challenge to higher education itself. Many of the issues confronting early mooc development and offerings could have been reduced if greater consideration was given to research literature in learning sciences and technology enabled learning.
Friday, October 9, 2015
The 13 most innovative schools in the world
Innovation in education can look like lots of things, like incorporating new technology or teaching methods, going on field trips, rejecting social norms, partnering with the local community. It can be a floating school in an impoverished region, like the one in Lagos, Nigeria. Or it can be a school that's blind to gender, like Egalia, in Stockholm, Sweden.
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Instructional Planning for Successful Teaching – Free Online Course | Best Online Courses
Education has goals, purposes and objectives. A vital task in teaching is to transform general goals and purposes into objectives for students. This ALISON free online course will help you to set goals and objectives for your class.
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Tuesday, October 6, 2015
New Study: Engage Kids With 7x the Effect
The teacher helps students make personal connections to the class, content, and learning. The power of connective instruction comes from the instructor helping students see the curriculum as critical to their current lives, their future, and their culture.
Sunday, October 4, 2015
IMS Guide 201516 - Innovate My School
This unique publication explores the potential benefits, pitfalls, future trends and learning outcomes for 10 hot topics in education, providing you with a warts-and-all view of how they can impact a school and, ultimately, the learning experience of the pupil.
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Why build a Personal Learning Network?
Time spent developing your Personal Learning Network is time well spent but it does take time. The danger busy teachers face is in becoming so engrossed in dealing with the day to day business of teaching that we make poor choices when it comes to time spent on our personal learning. We manage to find time for our students, for phone calls home, for report writing and programming all the while letting our engagement with learning slip down the list of things to do. Ensuring your personal learning is a priority is essential and should be seen against the value it brings to your students; enhance your teaching and you enhance their learning.
Munro, Hopkins and Craig recognise this when they state 'Student outcomes depend on the teaching in the school, its pedagogic capital'. For you, your school and most importantly your students time invested in building a Personal Learning Network is time spent developing your pedagogic capital.
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