Sunday, November 18, 2012

Does Facebook Drive Sales? New Tool Helps Advertisers Find Out

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Does Facebook drive sales? That’s a question posed by many an online retailer active on the social network — and one Facebook is looking to answer with a new conversion tracking tool for advertisers.

Here’s how it works: Under Ads Manager, marketers can find a unique snippet of code to add to the pages on their websites — say, the page that thanks visitors for signing up for a newsletter, or for completing an order. Every time someone who clicks over from a Facebook ad lands on one of those pages, it registers as a “conversion” in the Ads Manager console.

Until now, marketers could only track the numbers of clicks and, depending on the ad unit, app downloads their ads were generating, but had little data about how well each ad click-through was converting into sales, newsletter signups, site registrations and other targeted actions.

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